In the Overview tab, you will find an overview of all industry sectors’ direct impacts and dependencies on biodiversity. In the Investigate tab, you can select the industry sectors you are most interested in and investigate their direct impacts and dependencies more closely.
We recommend that companies use this industry-specific insight as a basis for detailed value chain mapping.
Get an overview of all direct, industry-specific biodiversity impacts and dependencies
Investigate the direct biodiversity dependencies and impacts for one or more industries
Please make sure to first check our PDF Tutorial or Video Tutorial, all FAQs and the Data & Methods. If you still need help, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We at WWF are happy to partner with companies and financial institutions willing to engage in market transformation. If you are interested to work with us, please get in touch.
Yes, the WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter Team can provide support, ranging from advice on the use of the tool to more tailored expert support for partners.
By partnering with WWF, we can support your organization in better understanding your biodiversity risks, provide guidance for your biodiversity stewardship strategy and targets, and help you implement on-the-ground actions. If you are interested in our tailored expert support, please get in touch.
For basic support, please make sure to first check our tutorial. If you still need help, don’t hesitate to contact us.
The industry dependency and impact ratings have been derived from ENCOREs direct natural capital risk evaluation and the SBTN Sectoral Materiality Tool for Step 1a, respectively. Based on internal expertise WWF has adjusted these scores where necessary so as to fit into the context of the Biodiversity Risk Filter.
It should be noted, that the impact and dependency weights have been developed and adjusted to create meaningful risk assessments within the WWF BRF. Please do not use these weightings outside of the WWF BRF.
This means that the tool only considers risks that may occur at a specific company site due to its industry and location. It does not take into account indirect (i.e., upstream or downstream) impacts and dependencies, such as risks that are caused by other company or supplier sites. For example: The impacts and dependency weightings for a food retail site do not take into account the biodiversity risks that may occur at the food production sites. These sites would need to be assessed independently as agricultural production sites.
To account for biodiversity risks along the value chain, the user is encouraged to upload all known upstream and downstream sites within a value chain – especially those of industries sectors with high impacts and dependencies – for a holistic assessment of biodiversity risk and to be able to prioritize actions accurately.
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